Kaloogian for Congress
This was Howard Kaloogian's campaign website.
Content is from the site's archived pages.
In 2006 upon the resignation of former Congressman Duke Cunningham, the Honorable Howard Kaloogian, a politician known for his conservative republican views and has served as Republican State Assemblyman for northern San Diego County from 1994-2000, officially announced his candidacy for the 50th Congressional district in California. Howard Kaloogian, a 45-year-old lawyer and former California Assemblyman who was briefly active in the Gray Davis recall campaign, issued a press release almost simultaneously with Cunningham’s mea culpa, touting his Howard Dean-esque Internet campaign, which he claimed received a new contribution every six minutes. Campaign spokesman Sal Russo said Kaloogian would have an edge due to the name ID he already enjoyed as a due to his three terms in the Assembly.
However, Howard Kaloogian, gain some notoriety for several botched PR fiascos including an obvious Photoshopped image of him with President Bush posted on his web site. In addition, there was an image showing "a busy urban street scene" which he claimed to have recently taken in downtown Baghdad, to show how "calm" and "stable" the city was during his visit. The "Baghdad" image was removed after bloggers at the Daily Kos noted that the image was actually taken in Istanbul. Kaloogian later said using the photo was "a stupid mistake."
In this special election where the top vote-getter from each party moves to the next round, Kaloogian finished a distant third among the Republican candidates.
An Update:
Howard Kaloogian founded the Tea Party Express in 2009 and Move America Forward, a nonprofit military charity based in Sacramento, California, established by Howard Kaloogian, Melanie Morgan and Sal Russo in 2004. As of 2020 both these organizations are going strong.
The Tea Party Express's mission was to become the most aggressive and influential national Tea Party group in the political arena. They are committed to identifying and supporting conservative candidates and causes that will champion tea party values and return our country to the Constitutional principles that have made America the “shining city on a hill.”
Tea Party Express is proud to stand for six simple principles:
- No more bailouts
- Reduce the size and intrusiveness of government
- Stop raising our taxes
- Repeal Obamacare
- Cease out-of-control spending
- Bring back American prosperity
In Nov 18, 2020, Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, announce its strong endorsement of Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler for re-election in the crucial January 5th runoff election to fill both of Georgia’s U.S. Senate seats.
Move America Forward, a nonprofit military charity is the nation’s largest grassroots pro-troop organization dedicated to supporting the brave men and women of our Armed Forces. Their principal mission today is to provide care packages and letters from grateful Americans to the troops deployed in combat areas around the world.
ICYMI: I have to admit, viewing the US elections in 2020 from the distance, here in Australia, decidedly different from being in the thick of things for those living in the US. It's so confusing what has been going on for the past three weeks after the election.
I returned to Australia several years ago after attending college in the US. I wasn't really into US politics when I was attending Stanford, although I had plenty of classmates that were.
We have been more occupied these past 9 months dealing with the restrictions and shut downs that have occurred to control Covid 19. Unlike the US Australia's government was swift and strict in its response. The Australian city of Melbourne where I live, offers a stark lesson on the costs of bringing the coronavirus under control. One Oct 28 we emerged from one of the world’s strictest and longest lockdowns that shuttered businesses and confined us to our homes for more than three months. The economic and social impact of Melbourne’s second lockdown since the crisis began has been enormous. Australia’s government estimates 1,200 jobs have been lost on average a day across Victoria state, while demand for mental health services has surged by more than 30%. We are only a city of 5 million people, smaller than NYC in the US, but the infection curve has been crushed, although it took way longer than anyone anticipated. We are all watching the horrific upward curve of Covid 19 infections and deaths in the US, and simply don't understand why your federal government isn't doing more.
I have been fortunate that I was able to continue working from home. I also was able to indulge in Australian slots, we call them pokies online, at my favorite online casinos Uptown Pokies and Fair Go. Although pubs and clubs have opened, with some social distancing and mask restrictions, I plan on continuing playing slots online although I miss the camaraderie of my fellow punter at the pokie machines. People here were laying bets on the outcome of the US elections. Sportsbet actually called the US Presidential election for Democrat Joe Biden with the online bookmaker deciding to pay punters out early despite no result right after the polls closed. The betting agency said the former Vice President's ascendancy in the key battleground states Nevada and Arizona meant his lead was unassailable for President Donald Trump. I recently read a Reuter news report that an Australian bookmaker said on Thursday, NOVEMBER 4, 2020, it has paid out a cool $23 million ($16.5 million) to people that had bet on Joe Biden becoming the next U.S. president though the official result is still to be determined. Yet almost three weeks later Trump is still declaring he won, but Biden is already choosing his cabinet. WTF!
Voters of the 50th Congressional Seat
Dear Friends,
I would be honored if you would join the growing support for my campaign to represent the people of the 50th Congressional District of California. These are challenging times for America, and I believe my experience, accomplishment, beliefs and dedication put me ahead of the other prospective candidates. Our first priority must be our National Security, which begins by Securing our Borders here at home, while supporting our troops AND their mission overseas.
My political hero, Ronald Reagan, made a profound statement in his farewell address to the nation. He said, 'My friends: We did it. We weren't just marking time. We made a difference.' When you think about Ronald Reagan, you just think about the ways in which he made a difference ' facing down world communism and ushering in a new era of political freedom across the globe; renewing confidence in capitalism and free markets so that they are taking the world by storm; and infecting all of us with his sense of optimism and destiny for America's future.
When I gave up my private law practice dedicated to helping our senior citizens plan for their financial needs, I was determined to make a difference when it came to public service. Unlike so many politicians who seek office for the purpose of holding the office, I have seen public service as an opportunity to make a difference that will better everyone's life. That is why I have worked so tirelessly with others to maximize the chance we could really make a difference in people's lives. I didn't back off from the tough challenges, but relished them.
Whether it was leading the effort in the Legislature to tackle pension reform, in almost the same way now proposed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, or as leader of the Recall Gray Davis Committee, or standing up to CBS as the head of Defend Reagan to get them to stop the inaccurate anti-Reagan movie from being shown, or heading up Move America Forward to support our troops and ensure America stays strong in the war against international terrorism. None of these battles are easy, but they require dedication, leadership and energy to take them all on. That is the same vigor I will bring to being a Congressman.
The 50th Congressional District is almost identical to the Assembly District I represented and won six different times. I know the district; I know the people; I am a proven leader for them already. They know that they will get aggressive and strong leadership in Congress. I hope as you review this website you will come on board and become one of my supporters. Together, we can do a lot to make America continue as that shining city on a hill.
God bless you and God bless America,
About Howard Kaloogian
The Honorable Howard Kaloogian has been a successful businessman, educator, attorney and conservative political leader. He has developed a national following with his dedication to public service and his keen and insightful analysis of current events.
Kaloogian served the people of California as a Republican Member of the California State Assembly from 1994-2000 after a successful business career helping senior citizens with their estate planning. Kaloogian was selected as Assistant Republican Leader, where he led the fight for smaller government and lower taxes.
Assemblyman Kaloogian made history as Chairman of the Recall Gray Davis Committee, an effort which ousted Democrat Governor Gray Davis from office. Kaloogian set up the Recall Gray Davis Committee and its website, www.RecallGrayDavis.com, even fighting off members of his own party who were too timid to act. Davis became the first statewide elected official recalled in California’s history.
Kaloogian soon thereafter teamed up with his ally from the Recall Gray Davis effort, Melanie Morgan of KSFO 560 AM to launch the non-profit, pro-troop organization, Move America Forward (website: www.MoveAmericaForward.org). The organization has grown to become one of the leading voices supporting our troops and their missions in Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq) and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan).
Considering Ronald Reagan to be one of his political heroes, Kaloogian agreed to lead the Defend Reagan Committee (website: www.DefendReagan.org). He led hundreds of thousands of Reagan supporters across America to fight against the smear campaign waged against Reagan by CBS, Viacom and Showtime with their anti-Reagan production, “The Reagans.” So many Reagan supporters flooded the offices of CBS and their sponsors with complaints that the movie was cancelled on network television.
A champion of Proposition 13 and taxpayer hero, Kaloogian is a leading voice for fiscal responsibility, individual freedoms and conservative values. Kaloogian has advanced the issues important to him and the people of California as a conservative radio talk show host, noted convention speaker and documentary host. He is a frequent lecturer on topics surrounding economics and the detrimental effects of over regulation and stifling levels of taxation.
Kaloogian has received significant praise for his efforts to reduce the income tax burden facing families and small businesses in the state, including his work to develop a California Flat Tax to eliminate tax loopholes and lower the tax burden on all Californians.